The Red Caviar devours pleasant mild flavor, nutritious eggs and full of nutrition value.
Protein shells, the membranes in which the caviar are contained, have a dense structure in which the contents of the caviar are stored.
The main composition of caviar is protein and fish oil. It is the shell that contains more protein. The larger the eggs, the denser the structure of the membrane. Both large and small caviar burst at the moment of chewing it in the mouth. Protein shells are consumed along with the contents.
We do not use chemical additives to soften the shell, therefore, the larger the caviar, the denser and more noticeable it can be when consumed. Our caviar bursts between the teeth, which creates a unique sensation and a wonderful aftertaste
Red caviar – an internationally recognized Delicacy.
In addition to amazing culinary properties, red caviar contains a vast amount of nutrients whilst easily digestible protein and amino acids. Red Caviar also contains renowned highest proportion of omega-3, vitamins, macro-and microelements.
Our Red Caviar is Kosher Certified , pasteurized and processed at our Prime Safe ( License No W00356) facility in Victoria Melbourne and independently audited by SGS.
Being among the most valuable food product the Black Sturgeon Caviar is one of the most wholesome products. The Sturgeon caviar has all the benefits of the healthy seafood and is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, minerals, and vitamins that make it an ideal part of any healthy diet or a recreation course after heavy disease. Our Black Caviar range offers Sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) Oscietra.
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