Premium Black Caviar

Royal Black Caviar – Sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) Oscietra – authentic black caviar use the same caviar processing recipe used by world-famous Russian Caviar brand more than 100 years ago and delighted the Russian tsars. The taste for which European monarchs and the richest people of the world always paid a high price.

Our unique black caviar processing technology by the downhole method differentiates us from our competitors, ensuring consistent quality of our product. We use minimum amount of salt and our pasteurization process preserving all vitamins and micronutrients.

Royal Black Caviar is imported from the USA and Canada.  It comes to us freshly salty, chilled.

Why Black Caviar?

Black caviar is a special, refined, expensive dish, therefore, in high-class establishments, tasting and serving caviar is presented in the form of a beautiful ritual that can be compared with the appearance of a royal person. Caviar has always been a delicacy and a very rare product.

Black caviar obtained from the main types of sturgeon fish: beluga, sturgeon and stellate.  In fact, the lighter the caviar, the higher it is valued.

  • Oscietra caviar, made from Russian sturgeon, has a dark color of eggs, from olive to light brown.  This caviar is distinguished by a gentle nutty taste with a deep and soft finish.
  • Sevruga caviar is obtained from medium-sized sturgeons Acipenser stellatus.  This type of caviar has a platinum hue and a rich taste with a delicate fruity aroma.
  • The most rare and expensive type of caviar is Beluga.  It is obtained from the sturgeon Huso huso.  Large eggs of light gray tones have a delicate taste and creamy aroma with a slight smack of hazelnuts.

Black Caviar Storage

When buying such an expensive and delicate product, you need to pay attention to product storage. It so that the caviar not only does not deteriorate, but does not accidentally lose all its magical properties and taste.

The optimal storage location would be the lower compartment of the refrigerator with a temperature of from -2 to +2 C. Before opening the can, keep it at room temperature for several minutes.  Then open and enjoy!  With prolonged contact with air, eggs can become watery and lose their elasticity.  Therefore, it is advisable not to leave caviar in the can for longer than 2-3 days.

Black Caviar Serving

There is one interesting ritual that must be observed when tasting black caviar.

Of course, there is an easy way. Spread butter on bread, caviar on butter – and eat. And by the way, there is nothing wrong with this method.

However if your goal is to have fun then you can stretch your pleasure and understand more about caviar. Like the best wines, it is important to taste caviar before serving. Place a few eggs on the outside of the hand between the thumb and forefinger. The warmth of your skin will help to fully reveal the full range of its taste, while high-quality caviar will not leave any smell on the skin. Inhale the aroma of caviar, and then taste it by pressing the eggs with your tongue to the palate. Feel all shades of taste, slowly swallow and drink with a sip of good champagne.

The main thing to remember when serving black caviar. The dishes should be such that in no way affect the taste of caviar.  Yes, this product is so delicate that it is important to think through everything to the smallest detail, down to the point where you will serve the caviar and how to scoop it up.

For serving caviar, glass or shell like dishes are most suitable.  Metal dishes should be avoided, as it distorts the delicate taste of black caviar. Black caviar is the most important dish at the celebration.  Your task is to make everything else enrich it, not overshadow it.

Champagne, Burgundy Chablis or Chardonnay wines are recommended for caviar drinks.  And, of course, vodka.

When choosing a menu, it is better to dwell on dishes that will not dominate the delicate taste of caviar.